A 1920x1080 jpg wallpaper based on random images I found on the internet with a common theme, the DevOps Universe.
The wallpaper includes a meme and a visual joke with a drunk astrounaut as well as several references to DevOps tools and technologies.
- Base wallpaper, Gopher on a rocket + k8s logo with astronaut www.wallpaperaccess.com/kubernetes
- Argo logo www.argoproj.github.io
- Octocat in astronaut mode www.dribble.com
- This is fine dog www.blenderartists.org
- Docker whale www.docker.com
- Astronaut hanging at Space Bar www.deviantart.com
- Sysadmin sticker on the rocket www.redbubble.com
- Kind logo inside a bottle www.kind.sigs.k8s.io